1·The system adopted method of monomial charging and adapt to invite public bidding and tender for engineering and final accounting of item.
2·Obama's delegate lead by 15 delegates at most, and by as few as 5, depending on the final accounting in Texas, which was expected Thursday afternoon.
3·Scripting raw text input into something that the final accounting application can use is simplified by the fact that, in general, receipts follow a pattern.
4·A business "transaction" was a full accounting, starting with the taking of an order to the final payment from the customer for the product or service.
5·If you cling to any belief that accounting treatment of Goodwill is the best measure of economic reality, I suggest one final item to ponder.
6·Ensure event bill be delivered to client in time and update final revenue data into system. Assist accounting able to receive the payment in line with agreement.
7·Enterprise merging involves enormous amounts of financial interests. Selection of different accounting method will affect the financial interests of various parties and the final result of merging.
8·Realistically, a budget accounting item for contingency allowance should be established whenever a contingency amount was included in the final cost estimate.
9·China published an Exposure Draft of an accounting standard on business combinations in 1995, but the final standard has not been issued till now.
10·The Chinese economic environment is another explanation. In the final part of the thesis, we offer some opinions to improve the process of formulation accounting standards.